Friday, February 27, 2009


The 'puter is back with a repaired right speaker.  In concert with a couple of stereo speakers that I wired onto our living room walls yesterday morning, all sounds good in the House of Bubby.

It's been a fine week sans cyberspace with a string of caregiver serendipity.  Last Friday, Marilyn midwife came by for a 3-day-post-partum home visit and noted that the last baby she delivered on her birthday (over a decade ago) was also named River.  Perhaps her dual River deliveries also coincided with the last planetary alignment 12 years ago.   Woo-woo!

Then on Saturday morning, Dr. Stephanie stopped in for a rejuvenating cranial sacral family treatment.   When my uncle was here last summer, a German friend gave him a cranial sacral treatment for his cancer resilience and explained a bit of the process: moving around spinal fluid and magnetic fields.  Cranial sacral energy balancing remains a mystery to me, but I like its results.  On my previous treatment with Dr. Stephanie, I walked out of her office thinking that I should call our friend Scott.  It was just before Christmas, and Bunny was looking for holiday sheet music specific to flutes by request of her Sis in Seattle.  Being a former music store owner and all-around music afficionado, we figured Scott would know where to start our search.  As I pulled away on my bike from the Doc's office, a station wagon nearly ran into me.  Sure enough the driver was Scott who led us straight to finding this obscure request.  Cosmic!

Finally Sunday afternoon, Vicki, our postpartum doula, assited Bunny with the transition into nursing and reassured her innate mothering capability.  She also prescribed a long bike ride to me before inevitably burning out (Bunny has been calling me the Energizer Bubby!).   Earlier I had a vision of biking through the forest despite the fact that our mountain bikes have been out of commission for over a decade.   Yet just before dusk, the vision came alive, and I found myself riding on a 15-mile trek through Forest Park, at one point, cruising peacefully along a 3-mile stretch of single-track as the city lights flickered on the horizon.  Just what the Doc ordered!

Bunny deserves plenty of accollades for carrying and birthing Buddy for the last 10 months, but I am also deeply grateful for our commnity of alternative health professionals who helped all along the way:  Dr. Judy's adjustments to the family's alignment,  Dr. Mary's inducing accupuncture, Nicola's comforting accupuncture, Dr. Ed's ultrasounds, Cecily's massage, and Sirender's yogi guidance plus Lilly-douling.   Combined with our midwives, Dr. Stephanie and Vicki, these folks delivered a happy and healthy pregnancy, birth and son into our lives.  


Thursday, February 19, 2009

What's Next?

We enjoy having Unity's Daily Word around for inspiration and reminders of collective spirit.  Concurring with the planetary alignment on February 17th, the theme-of-the-day was "Harmony".  And, yesterday's "Accomplished" was even more fitting considering the last 10 months of baby-making that Bunny endured bringing River from conception to birth, 

"It's finished - a success!  Perhaps my dream was to complete an important project, or create a beautiful work of art, or host an outstanding event.  Now that it's done, I may ask myself, What's next?"

Indeed, what is next in store for us? TBD. Possibilities seem infinite when adoring a newborn's eyes and mini expressions.  For now, a bit of computer maintenance is next on our horizon.  In the meantime, here are some pics and You Tube videos of Buddy Rio.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Here At Last!

Yesterday, Bunny's spirits were high with anticipation of meeting Buddy soon.  We had a second round of inducing accupuncture in the morning followed by a bagel craving on Hawthorne.  Afterwards, we ran into our friend Tali, an Aquarius, who was ecstatic to share the BIG news, "It's all over the internet:  tomorrow will be the most incredible day of the year!"  

Upon returning home, our googlin' found that February 17th is not only Random Acts of Kindness Day, but also the harmonic convergence of Jupiter, Mars, and Venus.  Apparently this 12-year planetary alignment bodes well for all things Aquarian, "If ever there were a moment to greet the world with both arms extended, assertively, it's now."

Sure enough, Buddy is here at last!  Bunny was a superstar, water-birthing him into the world on February 17, 2009 at 5:02 pm.  A 10-pound floating baby boy!  He shares an Aquarian birthday with Marilyn Milestone, one of our stellar midwives who also delivered Lilly.  As the sun set on this miraculous day, we sang a round of Happy Birthday together with our wonderful delivery crew.  

So far, he's Mr. Mellow and winks at each of our voices.  But, his cry is somewhere between a cat fight and a caged monkey.  Fortunately, these wails are few and far between with a little bit of comfort and tenderness from Mom, Pop & Sis.  

Welcome to the world River Van Mason!  Little Rio!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Waiting Patiently...

At the end of January, a Valentine's baby forecast seemed completely improbable, but here we are waiting patiently for Buddy's arrival, 2 weeks and 3 days late.  The little guy has given us a few false signs of delivery this week only to snuggle back in to his cozy Mama.  We figure that his personality will either be super mellow or just really stubborn.  Aquarian or Pisces? 

But, today's a little different because we tried inducing naturally this morning.  The combination of a healthy ultrasound, encouraging midwives and an accupunturist extraordinairre topped off with a spicy Thai meal have brought on strong contractions this afternoon.  Possibly to the point of no return...but, alas, Buddy has a date with destiny, and it's not today.  

With high hopes of seeing the little guy before day's end, I ran a batch of last-minute nesting errands while Bunny napped at home contracting with Buddy.  I found a couple of reusable cotton diapers at Children's Clothing Exchange, where the owner, Stormy, shared sympathies, 

"Has your baby arrived?"

"Nope, but we induced with accupuncture a couple of hours ago."

"My son was three weeks late, and everybody was driving me crazy asking about why he STILL wasn't born yet," she laments.  

More accupuncture and another ultrasound scheduled this Monday, which will be officially three weeks late.  Sooner or later...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Chuc Mung Nam Moi!

Two weeks ago, we wondered whether our new born son would be a Rat or an Ox.  See, our midwives sometimes referred to a January 25 due date (Asian Rat Year ends) and other times January 26 (Asian Ox Year begins).  

On the cusp of the lunar New Year (first new moon, post-winter solstice), we followed a lunch recommendation to Zien Hong Chinese Restaurant.  Sitting next to a Latino family who also had an expecting mother, we compared the personality traits of Rats vs. Oxen over salt&pepper shrimp and claypot seafood.  Meanwhile, the staff was setting up for the restaurant's family celebration and schooled us on ancient traditions.

From the restaurant, we headed downtown to Portland's Classical Chinese Garden.  It was a bright sunny day strolling along the reflecting ponds.  For the next two weeks, the garden will be filled with New Year festivities.  But today, it was calm and quiet with nary a visitor besides us, AND the Latino family from Zien Hong who became deeper acquaintances with every passing.

At the Tao of Tea house, we shared mooncakes and peppermint/licorice tea, waiting for baby and listening to live Chinese traditional music.  After a month of last-minute nesting, it was a sweet time soaking up the sun and relaxing with the family.  When the sun set, we said hasta luego to our new friends, and headed home for own Asian New Year dinner celebration.

In Chinese mythology, Rats
 are resourceful winners and inventive while Oxen are patient listeners and hard-working.  Bunny is an Ox, and I was secretly hoping for another calf.  But now that we're two weeks late, a Rat sounds great in retrospect.  After all, Ratatouile was a tres bien film a la 2008, and our little guy would be in my arms right now instead of this computer.  

We returned to the Chinese Garden two weeks later on another bright, sunny and warmer day.  More mooncake. More tea.  More family sweetness.  But this time, the festivities were rolling with Lion Dances, Shaolin Monks and a variety of vernal performances.  China, must be a lot warmer than Oregon, because the New Year is also the official start to Spring.  Although 6 more weeks of winter in Portland are imminent, there were a few floral signs of Spring today: blooming forsythia and camilia buds blooming with the sweet scent of saracocca.  

The full moon is a day away.  Bunny and Buddy are ready and ripe, too.

Chuc Mung Nam Moi! (Happy New Year!)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Gracias Por Viernes

Ever since returning to an office job, Friday is my favorite day of the week.  Not just because the week is over or the weekend is around the corner, but also it seems like there's more awareness and connectedness between community.  Maybe folks are simply out-and-about more as the weekend approaches enabling more opportunities for paths to cross. 
Last Friday, the morning started with complimentary Voodoo doughnuts and Trail Head supermicro coffee on the Steel Bridge.  Every last Friday of the month, Shift2Bikes hosts these breakies on the Steel and Hawthorne Bridges.  Another opportunity for Friday happenstances fostered by Portland community.  I arrived just in time to score the last blueberry which I consider to be Voodoo's 'healthy' doughnut because A) it's the littlest, and B) it comes packed with antioxidants.  

At midday the sun broke from a dense fog, so I went for a ride up to Council Crest.  It's hands-down my favorite ride in town to Portland's highest elevation.  Generally there are stupendous views of the surrounding volcanoes from the top, but not this particular Friday since it's socked in fog.   Still, it was an inspiring ride because of the 'Pioneer Woman' sculpture that graces the crest.  Like most mothers, she's strong as steel but sweeter than pie.

Ooohhhhh, we can't wait to meet our new little guy.  Where is he?  What's he doing in there? 
 Come on out mister and greet your new world!  Mom and Pop are eagerly awaiting your arrival, so let's not be toooo late.

Later that evening, Bunny was having a reprieve from her Braxton-Hicks contractions, and she encouraged me to adventure out on the town to a concert at the Wonder Ballroom.   Our friend Sonja turned us onto Beach House last year about the same time that I received news of my Uncle's terminal cancer.   I listened to their album, Devotion, all summer long thinking about dear ole Uncle Davey.  When I arrived at the Wonder, the show was SOLD OUT.   But fortunately, I ran into a former student (from my professor days) who happily traded her ticket for a ride home.  Perfect!  After the performance, I checked in with Uncle Davey and a friend who's also deep in the midst of a battle against cancer.   

Yep.  It's a Dickens of a time here in Portland (as anywhere).  Somehow, the small coincidences of daily life keep me present in the moment, grateful for the past, and hopeful for the future.
Yesterday, the morning bike commute began with a chance encounter with JP, the new MFA Chair of Applied Art & Craft at PNCA, and his family who arrived into town last week.   JP and I had met on the aforementioned Friday to talk shop about Portland's sustainable development, the state of green building and the subtle cultural differences between our charming neighborhoods.   The night before reconnecting, I was thinking about how I needed his email address to forward an academic proposal on the human experience of working and living in green buildings.  Then, VOILA!  He shows up at my neighborhood cafe of all places, and I happen to catch him from the corner of my eye.  The day ended with Bunny and I running into our cartoonist friend Craig outside the grand premiere opening of Coraline at the Schnitz while on our way to watch Slumdog Millionairre, the ultimate film about divine destiny.  

Gracias por Viernes!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Finally, (Half) the Wait is Over

As most of you know, Bunny is expecting our second child at any momemt (type fasterrrr!), and Lilly has been waiting patiently for her own rite of passage.   After months of anticipation, the moment has finally arrived.

Yesterday was a hard day.  Bunny woke me up at 3 am in the morning, "Bubby, I don't feel so good."  At first, I had to break out of a deep slumber, but then, Achtung!, I sprung into action, "What's going on?  Should I call the midwives, fill the tub?"  Bunny replied softly, "I'm having a hard time sleeping...I'm going back to bed."  So, I laid around for another half hour or so counting sheep.  

But it's no use, the adrenaline has kicked in, and I'm wired for the rest of the morning.  The rest of the day was equally discombobulated and tiring for both of us, despite the unseasonably warm, sunny weather.  The new addition to our family was due on January 26th (according to Beth & Marilyn, our midwives), or February 2nd (according to Dr. Ed, the sonagram ND).  Yesterday, was February 3rd, and I think we both had enough of this seemingly endless waiting.  By evening, Bunny was weepy and my joints were coming apart impatiently.  

Then, it happened -  Pop! We were all on the couch pouting, 
when Lilly extracts her first loose tooth with a single twist.  Our frowns turned upside down, and Lilly's holy smiles filled us with joy and glee.   Suddenly, she's a bonafide 'big kid' now that her baby teeth are falling out.   There's something really BIG about that first tooth despite it's miniature size.  It's like she transformed into a more mature, seasoned five-year old and can now righteously demand elderly respect on the kindegarten playground.  

After brushing Lilly's remaining teeth, we admired old family photos, reminiscing the arrival of her first baby tooth at nine months.  Then off to bed for a better night's rest.  Now, if we can just pop out one more...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Steelers!!! What are the odds?

This morning, our green building staff meeting digressed from hip hop pseudonyms to socio-technological phenomenons like the blogosphere. Generally, I'm a lagger when it comes to anything computer - not because my Gen X pride lacks Gen Y savvy, but rather I like to wait until the pond is full before jumping in. And, well my dears, today I realized that the blogevoir runneth over. My apologies for any clunkiness and unforeseen transgressions as I dive in...

With the exception of the teenage years when football represented a generation of meatheads getting wasted on generic beer and an advertised life, I've been a Pittsburgh Steelers fan since 1979. That was the year the Steelers defeated the Cowboys for their third Super Bowl Championship with a magical cast of Allstars: Terry Bradshaw, Lynn Swann, John Stallworth, Rocky Bleier, Franco Harris, Jack Lambert, Mean Joe Green, ... I was a scrawny 8-year old living in Reno Nevada, and rural Shenandoah Virginia, finally learning how to throw a spiral.

Fast-forward 30 years to the Steelers winning their sixth Super Bowl at the Hedge House in Portland. I love the Hedge House. In my beersnobbery opinion, they serve the best brews (New Old Lompoc LSD Nitro on tap!), and easily the most delectable pub grub in town. The humble bungalow captures Portland's pioneer charm, and Pix Patisserie next door serves the best post-game treats (just ask my daughter, Lilly). AND, besides being an all-around great place to chill with friends, family and strangers, they are a STEELERS backer bar!

Ok, so yesterday on the Hedge House back porch, amidst a mini-sea of swirling yellow & black terrible towels, Steelers linebacker (and NFL defensive player of the year) James Harrison intercepts the Arizona Cardinals' Kurt Warner and rolls to a record-setting 100-yard touchdown with zero seconds left in the first half. Needless to say, this spectacle sends my fellow fanatics into a cheering frenzy. Bunny calls from home to join in the bliss. I throw Lilly into the air, and then turn to my nearest neighbor for a whopping High Five.

He screams, "I just got into Portland from Pittsburgh today!"

Literally, he had just flown into downtown Portland that afternoon and someone recommended that he continue his journey to the obscure SE Portland Hedge House for the big game. At halftime, Lou and I shake hands then realize our connection is no small coincidence:

"So why are you in Portland?"

"I'm here for work in the environmental field." Lou responds.

"Same here, what line of work"

"I'm headed to Vancouver B.C. tomorrow," he says, "but first meeting with the City of Portland."

"No kidding, I work for the City of Portland"

"Yeah, I'm meeting with the City to advocate for sustainable development," Lou remarks.

"That's funny, I work for the Office of Sustainable Development!"

He exclaims, "You gotta be kidding! I'm meeting with Alisa tomorrow at 4:30 pm."

"I work in green building with Alisa, too. You're having the quin
tessential Portland tourist experience, RIGHT NOW!"

We're all smiles during the second half - sharing beers, stories, sandwiches and gummy bunnies as the game turns into a nailbiter. Lou has five daughters and is enamored with Lilly as much as she is enamored with his french-fry-filled Pamini Brothers' sandwich (from the Hedge House' game day Steelers menu). Like most folks from Pittsburgh, he's super friendly and values serendiptiy.

I often think of Pittsburgh as the Portland of the East coast. They're both hilly River cities with metropolitan populations around 2 million people and filled with architecture that preserves their relatively long histories as well as open park spaces. More than that, they are Renaissance cities relying on their cultural senses of community and creativity to transform from down-and-out industrial burgs into vibrant Green cities of the future. High quality of life is favored over the Rat Race, as both cities develop with a sustainable focus: light rail transit, bike-friendly commute options, farmer's markets, independent local businesses, honoring diversity, and general compassion for one another. And of course, both cities are just barely big enough to each host a long-time major league team bringing the community together (even if you're not a sports fan): we have our Trail Blazers and they have their Steelers. Right, back to the STEELERS!

After falling behind 20-23, the Steelers muster their fourth quarter guster
and rally for a game winning touchdown drive ending with a perfectly executed pass from Big Ben Roethlisberger to Superbowl MVP Santonio Holmes. Bunny, who's at home watching the game and expecting our second child (and first son) at any moment, texts the baby name, "River Holmes Mason!" The celebration continues through the next day, as Alisa is feeling ill and asks me to sub for her meeting with Lou. Teamwork!

The odds of the Cardinals beating the Steelers: 7 to 1.

The odds of Lou and I crossing paths: at least 4 million to 1.

Synchronicity is the small stuff that keeps hope alive and makes life in Portland enchanting. I can't imagine being anywhere else besides right here, right now, in this magic moment. Well, except maybe Pittsburgh! Stay tuned for more...