Although well-known to locals, Baby Beach is typically uncrowded. And on the afternoon of our arrival, the beach was desolate except for a couple of beach combers and one small family wading in the pool. Lilly Star, being a social butterfly, suited up and immediately engaged the family. Within a few minutes, we realized that their daughter was a student at Sunnyside Environmental School in Portland last year under the same teacher as Lilly this year. The odds of this happenstance are unfathomable - a perfect community moment in time. As a rainbow revealed itself arcing over Lilly's impromptu play date, I was reminded of my uncle's advice, 'even if you are an introvert, be extroverted because you'll experience more life that way.'
In the days leading up to the memorial, we celebrated my uncle with our Maui family on their Upcountry farm and short excursions to the beach. The mornings were quiet and peaceful, the afternoons were buzzing with preparations, evenings were filled with stories over dinner, and at night, we'd fall asleep to the laughter of my cousins as they selected songs for the dance party.
On the morning of the memorial, a big rainbow stretched across the farm reminding me of Davey's bright and colorful spirit. After a short hike and dip into Twin Falls, the family convened on the farm for the final preparations as guests arrived. The memorial was sweet, endearing and sad all at the same time. Davey was remembered as a wonderful husband, father, brother, uncle, friend and angel in his community. We ended the night all smiles celebrating his favorite pastime - dancing!
After the celebration, we enjoyed a couple of long, calm beach days with Bunny's cousin Kate in Lahaina, and Aunt Shanna at Makena. Snorkeling in a protected marine reserve, Lilly and I swam with an array of rainbow fish and a sea turtle! On the seashore, River liked chomping on the rocks and sneaking handfuls of sand into his mouth.
On our last day, we said goodbye to family and shared one last moment on the beach remembering my dear Uncle Davey.